In addition to your vote, we are also seeking financial support both for this election and our future work. A campaign can’t run on coffee alone! If you can spare a few bucks (or lots of bucks) there are a couple of ways you can donate directly to your friendly neighbourhood NDP. 

A donation will give you a 75% tax deduction!

donate online

You can donate to our riding right through the ONDP website! 



E-transfer’s for the current campaign can be sent to

 Remember: political contributions are eligible for tax credit of up to 75%.
A $20 donation could cost as little as $5.

Can’t donate right now?

If you’re not able to donate right now, but still want to help with the Grey-Bruce-Owen Sound NDP? There’s no better way than to get involved. We’d love for you to become a member of the NDP, volunteer for campaigns and local events, an d so much more! We’re only as strong as our community, and we can always use more hands working together to make a difference.
